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Working with Nature

Best Malaysia committed to working with nature to restore natural ecosystems

Corn (Maize)

Corn (Maize)

Sweet Corn

Corn, Maize

Maize is widely cultivated throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize is produced each year than any other grain. In 2014, total world production was 1.04 billion tonnes. Maize is the most widely grown grain crop throughout the Americas, with 361 million metric tons grown in the United States in 2014. Approximately 40% of the crop—130 million tons—is used for corn ethanol. Genetically modified maize made up 85% of the maize planted in the United States in 2009.

Protocol Stage Application Dose /acre
Pre-Seeding Seed Germination 150 - 250mL
Soil Preparation (-10 to 25day) TM - Microbes Activator 50 - 250mL
AI73 - Active Ingredients 100 - 150mL
2-3 Leaf collar (V1-V2) Corn Maxxx Foliar Fertilizer 1.5 - 2.0L
Tassel Corn Maxxx Foliar Fertilizer 1.5 - 2.0L
TM (mix with Foliar Fertilizer) 50 - 150mL
Between Milk and Dough (R3-R4) Corn Maxxx Foliar Fertilizer 1.5 - 2.0L
Post Harvest Trash Accelerator 1.0 - 2.0L

Application for best results with normal granular fertilizer, and pesticide rates

Flooded twice it still can grow up normally!

Flooded twice it still can grow up normally!

Rice (Paddy)

Rice (Paddy)