Frequently Asked Questions


Wondering how Best’s products work? Best products involve new and exciting technology. If you have a question about our products, take a look at our FAQs


How does TM Agricultural and the BEST Farming System accomplish the twin goals of improving soil and improving crops?

Physical properties

Examples of human intervention include working soil in ways that may lead to wind suspendible and water soluble components of a soil being displaced. Soil compaction (the loss of pore space within the soil matrix) may also result from human intervention and degradation of the space for air and water can also result in increased soil erosion and decreased crop production.

Chemical Contamination

Over the past century, the direct agricultural application of herbicides, pesticides, and chemical fertilisers have modified soil quality. Indirect application of hormones, pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, antimicrobial agents, anthelmintics, as well as protein, mineral and vitamin supplements also occur through practices such as manure spreading. Repeated applications invariably leads to modification of the soil’s chemical composition. Application of TM Agricultural allows soil microbes to reduce the chemical load over time by mechanisms other than releasing chemicals into runoff.

Nutrition and flavour

At least 17 elements are known to be essential nutrients for plants and their deficiencies as well as balance may affect plant health. There are thousands of flavours and aromas produced by food crops and these constituents and the relative amounts of them may be altered by human intervention. We believe that restoring microbial diversity of the soil improves availability of compounds that comprise the nutritional and flavour-fulness of crops.

Susceptibility to disease

Commensal root microbes can confer numerous benefits to a plant, including increased tolerance to environmental stressors like heat, drought, and acidity, and aid in the plant’s acquisition of nutrients. BEST believes that they also interact with the plant roots to create a protective biome. Accordingly, human mediated changes to the soil disrupt the plants' ability to resist disease and they are rebuilding the soil ecosystem to restore disease resistance.

Where are Best products made?

The key components of TM Agricultural are made in Canada, then shipped to Malaysia, China and others South East Asia directly.

What can Best offer farmers using conventional products?

With Best products, farmers can expect to reduce their dependence on chemicals, especially many of the insecticide and fungicides used regularly in conventional farming. Substantial reductions in the need for synthetic fertilisers are also commonly reported.

Improved crop quality with fewer screenings or second grades, improved pasture quality and a reduction in nutrients leached to groundwater are benefits consistently associated with the use of TM Ag. These improvements are achieved while maintaining or increasing crop yields and farm productivity.

Why do growers use our products? Do they just want to switch to fashionable organic systems; are they after cost savings or do they genuinely want to reduce their carbon footprint?

Farmers use our products for many different reasons. Mainly however, they see what other farmers are achieving and want to replicate those results on their own properties. They also see a way to reduce their input costs, leading to improved viability.

Most of the farmers we work with are not organic. They simply want a reliable, economical method of reducing high input costs.

What savings does the system bring?

Best products bring many savings to farmer both quantifiable and otherwise. Generally, farmers can save on chemicals, fertiliser, fuel, wear and tear on equipment, irrigation water and time.

Often, there is a noticeable correction in soil pH, with both acidic and alkaline soils moving closer to neutral. This is due to the buffering effect of increased levels of biological activity.

Can farmers use Best products in conjunction with natural fertilisers, composts etc?

Definitely. Many farmers report excellent results when using TM in conjunction with more biologically friendly forms of fertiliser. There are numerous companies producing quality fertilisers and composts with the benefit of soil biology in mind. However, the application of large quantities of material per hectare or the high cost of specialised microbial products can be a major consideration with these approaches.

What is the science behind your products / trial evidence / evaluation by government bodies?

From day one Best has been involved with universities and independent trial organisations around the world, too numerous to mention here. Research trials are ongoing and Best is committed to verification by good science.

Where can I buy Best products?

TM Agrcultural

What’s TM Stand for?

TM stand for TerraMend (Surface Amendment)

TmAgri Label.png

How does TM Agricultural work?

TM is applied to soil and plants in two applications to feed existing micro-organisms in the soil to help bring back strains of dormant beneficial microbes by increasing and enhancing microbial activity in the soil. This leads to increased soil microbial biomass and improved soil structure and aeration

When is the best time to apply TM Agricultural?

  • Crops: Typically the first application is with the first pre-seeding herbicide application and the second application is applied with the in-crop herbicide.

  • Pasture: Typically applied after the first opening rain of the autumn, followed by the second application at the end of winter-early spring.

Can I spray TM in the rain?

Yes. Many farmers report excellent results when applying TM to pastures in the rain; especially when there is an excess of ground cover. Of course this may be restricted if tank mixing with a herbicide.

Can I tank mix TM Agricultural with a herbicide?

Yes. Unlike other products, TM Agricultural contains no added biology apart from what would be found in the natural products used in its manufacture. But the herbicide might be not function-able.

Is there a withholding period after application?

No. As TM Agricultural is a registered product there is no withholding period. It contains no harmful chemicals.

What is TM Agricultural made from?

TM is made from a range of organic components that are put through a long treatment process to create the finished product. It takes about four months to make a batch of TM.

Is TM Agricultural Approved?

TM is NOT a Pesticide, Fungicide, Herbicide therefore approval and certified by Canada, China, Australia, India, United State, New Zealand, Republic of Ghana and more…

Is TM Agricultural worm juice?

No. TM Agricultural is not worm juice.

Is TM Agricultural compost tea?

No. TM Agricultural is not compost tea.